Belize Ultimate Adventure
February 6-16, 2016
This trip is currently sold out.
Join us on an amazing 11 day trip to Belize with a side trip to Guatemala. Located along the eastern coast of Central America on the Caribbean Sea, Belize is a unique blend of pristine nature, diverse geography and endless adventure. Thriving rainforests, miles of stunning beaches, hundreds of islands, and the world's second largest barrier reef set the stage for a vast array of activities to engage every personality. Belize truly offers something for everyone. It is for this reason and the cultural diversification Belize represents that it is ranked among the world's premier vacation destinations. Belize, the only nation in Central America where English is recognized as the official language, shares its western and northern boarders with Spanish-speaking countries Guatemala and Mexico, respectively. Along its east coast are nothing but sandy beaches and the crystal-clear waters of the Caribbean Sea.
Offshore Belize boasts the largest barrier reef in the western hemisphere, stretching 185 miles in the beautiful clear waters of the Caribbean Sea. With hundreds of cayes, the marine life and coral is diverse, abundant, and colorful with 70 types of hard coral and nearly 500 species of fish. Three of the only four coral atolls in the western hemisphere can also be found off the coast of Belize, along with the famous Blue Hole. Whether you choose to scuba-dive, snorkel, fish (deep-sea or flats), kayak, parasail, wind or kite surf, or simply relax under a palm tree and watch the sun and moon rise over the Caribbean, the cayes can offer a location that is perfect for you.
Interior Belize the scene drastically changes to jungle, lush rainforest and valleys, and mountains. Several major river systems support a great variety of exotic wild life while cascading to the sea. Adventures to be enjoyed include Maya archaeological sites (there are more Mayan ruins in Belize than any other country in Meso-America), caving (Belize has the largest cave system in Central America), cave tubing, zip lining, jungle trekking, horseback riding, canoeing, and birding (over 500 species of birds). Inland Belize is also home to the “best little zoo in the world”.
Hurry! Space is limited for this international trip.
HighlightsGeneral ItineraryCancellation PolicyTrip Photo

San Ignacio
The picturesque Town of San Ignacio in Belize is blessed with a plethora of attractions and is the perfect base to explore exciting tours like Actun Tunichil Maknul (ATM cave), Caracol and Xunantunich Mayan Ruins, Mountain Pine Ridge Nature Reserve, Cave tubing and zip lining amongst others. A full day tour to Tikal Mayan Ruins in Guatemala is also possible. Known locally as "Cayo", San Ignacio is a unique blend of America's Old West and tropical backwater with frontier-like wooden shops on narrow streets. Burns Avenue is "Main Street" and a good place to begin a tour of the town. Most days it's a busy thoroughfare with lots of people walking in the streets. Burns Avenue and the adjacent streets are packed with shops, hotels and places to eat where hospitable townspeople mingle in restaurants, bars and wooden shops. Many of the guests take the opportunity to visit the local market. Saturday (early) is the best time and day to go, as it's the busiest market day and along with the wide variety of fruits and vegetables offered, there are also plenty of food vendors preparing fresh local fare such as, tacos, tamales, pupusas (right), along with homemade breads, cheeses and yogurts for you to sample. There are also plenty of hand-made crafts and gift items to inspect and a place that sells local medicinal and cooking herbs. Do all this while sharing a taste treat and mingling amongst the locals in the festive atmosphere of this bustling market place.
Actun Tunichil Muknal
Actun Tunichil Muknal (Cave of the Crystal Sepulchre), is one of the most impressive and artefact rich Maya ceremonial caves ever found, containing rare bloodletting altars used in sacrifices by Maya royalty and over 1400 catalogued artefacts as well as sacrificial human remains. The ATM Cave is home to the famous “Crystal Maiden” the intact skeleton of a young female that, due to a covering of calcium carbonate, sparkles eerily in the lamp light. This is a wet cave – you swim into the mouth and then wade through ankle to chest high water before climbing to a labyrinth of dry chambers which lead to the cathedrallike main hall, a towering chamber 350 metres in length and 50 mteres wide and filled with artefacts and sacrificial remains. After this another climb takes you to the stone sepulchre (after which the cave is named) where the Crystal Maiden lies. The ATM Cave an extraordinary adventure with a rare opportunity to see an ancient Maya ceremonial site with skulls, pots and altars as they were and virtually untouched for centuries.
Cave Tubing
Looking for adventure? Perhaps one you will never forget? This cave tubing adventure is surely one you will remember for years to come. Belize is a natural paradise filled with many wonders and the Caves are only one. After being at the bottom of the ocean a least three times in its history, Belize's landscape comprises of limestone, made from shells, corals and the skeletal remains of dead sea creatures. After years of seasonal rains, high up in the Maya mountains of Belize, many rivers where born and flowing water over this type of porous rock, started eroding the limestone creating a passage way into an underground realm that is out of this world, unbelievable and amazing.
The name Xunantunich derives from the Yucatec Maya language and means “Stone Woman.” Local legend holds that around the end of the 1800s, a gentleman from the village of San Jose Succotz Belize went hunting near the site. Crossing the base of the Castillo, he was struck by the appearance of a beautiful statuesque Maya maiden, dressed in traditional “huipil” and “pik,”,and dazzling in the rays of the rising sun. The woman stood motionless by the mouth of a cave which extended beneath the large structure. Stricken by her appearance, the man threw his gun aside and ran downhill to the village. After recounting his tale several villagers led by their native priest returned to the site. Arriving at the large mound they found the mouth of the tunnel, but the stone maiden had disappeared. Thereafter locals claim that the woman has appeared to several others but none have been able to follow her into the cavern.
Flores (Guatemala)
Flores Guatemala is a small, yet splendid island village located on Lake Petén Itzá in the northern Petén region of the country. Most visitors to this beautiful town arrange a Flores Guatemala vacation with the intent to visit the nearby Mayan ruins at Tikal. Also a great base for other trips around Petén, Flores is among the safer places in the wilds of the north and it caters to visitors with an ample amount of Flores hotels, restaurants and internet cafes. While the nearby towns of Santa Elena and San Benito offer a more authentic Guatemalan experience, you will notice that they also contribute more in the way of litter and traffic. With plenty to see and do in Flores Guatemala, visitors will soon discover that this island city is not only a take-off point for Guatemala tours, but a worthy attraction in and of itself.
Seen in many movies like 'Apocolypto' and '2012', is this magnificent Mayan ruin of ancient times. The name Tikal may be derived from ti ak'al in the Yucatec Maya language; it is said to be a relatively modern name meaning "at the waterhole". The name was apparently applied to one of the site's ancient reservoirs by hunters and travelers in the region. It has alternatively been interpreted as meaning "the place of the voices" in the Itza Maya language. At any rate, Tikal is not the ancient name for the site but rather the name adopted shortly after its discovery in the 1840s. Hieroglyphic inscriptions at the ruins refer to the ancient city as Yax Mutal or Yax Mutul, meaning "First Mutal". The Tikal National Park covers an area of 575.83 square kilometres (222.33 sq mi). It was created on 26 May 1955 under the auspices of the Instituto de Antropologia y Historia and was the first protected area in Guatemala.
Caye Caulker
Caye Caulker, located 21 miles northeast of Belize City and 11 miles south of Ambergris Caye, is the second largest of the Belizean cayes. The island is about 4 miles long, but the town is only about a mile long. Like Ambergris, Caye, Caye Caulker was primarily a fishing community; but its economy has become increasingly tourism-based. Caye Caulker is a popular destination for scuba divers, snorkelers, anglers, and tourists who just want beach-oriented relaxation at budget prices. Although in the past it was a sleepy fishing community, this fun loving isle is today known more for its party and night life than diving or fishing.
Hol Chan Marine Reserve
Many say that snorkeling Hol Chan is as impressive as snorkeling the best spots in the world. Perhaps for this reason Hol Chan is considered the most popular snorkel site in Belize. Just about 4 miles south of San Pedro Town, or a short 15 minute boat ride, Hol Chan, Mayan for “little Channel” and “quebrado” in Spanish, is home to over 160 species of fish, along with nearly 40 species of corals, 5 sponges, 8 algaes, 2 seagrasses, 3 marine mammals and 3 species of sea turtle. Schools of jacks, groupers and snappers come to greet their new guests of the day, as you are guided off to the channel’s edge where vibrant coral forms crevices and an overhang where green eels and lobsters dwell.
Shark Ray Alley
The world's largest diving magazine, Skin Diver, has given Belize's Shark-Ray Alley feature billing in two issues lately. This dive site has been selected as one of the seven best "animal dives" in the Caribbean. For several years, local fishermen often cleaned their catch in this area, located just inside the reef, to the south of Ambergris Caye. When fishermen noticed that their activity had attracted Nurse Sharks and several Southern Sting Rays, they reported this information to the dive operations in San Pedro, who then dispatched some divers to investigate. What they found was a bonanza, and "Shark-Ray Alley" quickly became a very popular dive site.
The Great Blue Hole
A feature attraction of Diving in Belize, Especially for divers with a appreciation of geographical phenomena, is the opportunity to explore the famed Blue Hole. Part of the Lighthouse Reef System, it lies approximately 60 miles off the mainland out of Belize City. It is one of the most astounding dive sites to be found anywhere on earth, right in the center of Lighthouse Reef is a large, almost perfectly circular hole approximately one quarter of a mile (.4 km) across. Inside this hole the water is 480 feet (145 m) deep and it is the depth of water which gives the deep blue color that causes such structures throughout the world to be known as "blue holes." Like a giant pupil in a sea of turquoise, The Blue Hole is a perfectly circular limestone sinkhole more than 300 feet across and 412 feet deep. The array of bizarre stalactites and limestone formations which mould its walls seem to become more intricate and intense the deeper one dives. Near to The Blue Hole, one of Belize's largest protected areas, Half Moon Caye Natural Monument, encompasses 10,000 acres of the atoll and 15 square miles of surrounding waters.
(Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner included)
Day 0 - Friday, February 5, 2016:
Arrive at Los Angeles International airport by 9:30pm
Day 1 - Saturday, February 6, 2016:
Depart Los Angeles International airport after midnight and arrives in Belize International airport in early morning (nonstop flight). Transfer to hotel in San Ignacio. Rest and visit town in the afternoon.
Day 2 - Sunday, February 7, 2016: (B, L, HH)
Jaguar Paw Cave Tubing: Your day starts at 7:30 am with a 1.5 hour drive to the site. At the park, you grab an inner tube, then embark on a 45 minutes hike across the clear blue Caves Branch River and along a trail heading upstream alongside the river. Your guide will point out interesting aspects of the local flora and fauna – perfect time to take out your cameras! Upon arrival at the designated starting point, your guide will brief you on the proper safety techniques for boarding and floating on your tube. If you’re adventurous, you’ll want to dive and splash into the water from a rock at the starting point. You’ll set yourself afloat through a series of caverns which periodically open up to the sunshine and jungle. Your guide will occasionally point out various Maya artifacts. You may onboard your tube and walk up for a closer look if you wish. Duration: 5 hours
Day 3 - Monday, February 8, 2016: (B, L, D)
Actun Tunichil Muknal (ATM) Cave: Your adventure begins at 7:30 am with a 45 minutes drive on paved road to a cut-off at Teakettle Village, then another 30 minutes drive on dirt road to the site parking. We then venture into a 45 minutes jungle hike along the river bank, crossing the river 3 times – enjoy the scenery. At the cave entrance, your guide briefs you on the cave’s historical facts, then we gear up with helmets and head lights. The hike inside the cave entails very short swims and mostly wading through the river. Admire the myriad cave formations until reaching the hidden dry chamber. Here your guide explains the Maya rituals while you awe at the magnificence of this ancient tomb. You’ll climb a ladder into a smaller chamber to witness the intact, crystallized skeletal remains of “The Crystal Maiden”. After being saturated to capacity with astonishment, we make our way back out of the chambers and the cave. We head back to San Ignacio arriving around 5:00 pm. Duration: 10.5 hours
Day 4 - Tuesday, February 9, 2016: (B)
Optional Activity #1: Xunantunich Horseback Riding - The tour begins at Hanna Stables, a family-owned horseback riding establishment where over 45 horses call home. When you arrive, meet your local Belizean guide for the day and then mount your horses to depart! The ride to Xunantunich includes a well maintained trail through a large private farm and along the banks of the Mopan River in the village of San Jose Succotz. You will cross the river on an ancient hand-operated ferry, and then ride your horse up to Xunantunich. When you arrive, prepare to dismount and let your horse rest while you can spend as much time as you desire exploring Xunantunich by foot. Afterwards, we will ride to the nearby Benny’s Kitchen for a delicious lunch of traditional Belizean dishes before returning to Hanna Stables. Duration: 4.5 - 6 hours. Note: this tour can only accommodate 30 people.
Optional Activity #2: Waterfall Cave Expedition - Hundreds of feet under the limestone mountain ridge above, explore this river cave with a total of six waterfalls that must be challenged and conquered before days end. This adventure involves no cave tubing. Spectacular crystal formations loom above and ancient Maya ceremonial centers are hidden inside chambers as you explore this mist shrouded kingdom. At the end of the day, you return by either jumping off each waterfall into the pools below, or for those less adventurous, you can be lowered down on belay. You finish with a three kilometer hike through the forest to where a driver will be waiting to bring you back to the lodge for a swim or dip in the hot tub before dinner. Duration: 8 hours. Note: this tour can only accommodate 15 people.
Day 5 - Wednesday, February 10, 2016: (B)
Check out of San Ignacio hotel and transfer to Flores hotel in Guatemala, which is about 2 hours away.
Day 6 - Thursday, February 11, 2016: (B, L)
Take the adventure to one of the most prestigious sites in mezo America; learn about the Maya history, culture, traditions, as well as indigenous flora and fauna. You may see a multitude of oriole nests, several tropical birds, howler monkeys, a coatimundi or other wild animals. Enjoy the complexity of the sites while your guide explains the history of the temples, the stories hidden in the stalae as well as the local flora and fauna. Feel free to climb to the top of the tall temples for a breath-taking view of the mountains and valleys. Duration: 6 hours
Day 7 - Friday, February 12, 2016: (B, HH)
Check out of Flores hotel and transfer to Belize City Water Taxi Terminal, which is about 5 hours away. Take water taxi to Caye Caulker. Check into hotel.
Day 8 - Saturday, February 13, 2016: (B)
Free day. On your own. We will have a few optional activities.
Day 9 - Sunday, February 14, 2016: (B, L, D)
Many say that snorkeling Hol Chan is as impressive as snorkeling the best spots in the world. Perhaps for this reason Hol Chan is considered the most popular snorkel site in Belize. Just about 4 miles south of San Pedro Town, or a short 15 minute boat ride, Hol Chan, Mayan for “little Channel” and “quebrado” in Spanish, is home to over 160 species of fish, along with nearly 40 species of corals, 5 sponges, 8 algaes, 2 seagrasses, 3 marine mammals and 3 species of sea turtle. Schools of jacks, groupers and snappers come to greet their new guests of the day, as you are guided off to the channel’s edge where vibrant coral forms crevices and an overhang where green eels and lobsters dwell.
Your next adventure is at Shark Ray Alley, lying just 3 minutes from Hol Chan. Here, Nurse Sharks and Southern Stingrays politely greet you as you arrive to visit them. At Shark Ray Alley, not only will you feel the excitement and novelty of swimming with large numbers of nurse sharks and sting rays, you will swim with schools of fish that congregate there to feed. Perfect for the inexperienced, this tour offers all of the beauty the Caribbean has to show in shallow waters, white sands, and up to 100 feet of visibility.
At Coral Gardens we will navigate you through the corals and schools of fishes in this favorite snorkel area. You will certainly see the diverse colors of hard and soft corals and swim alongside gentle rays and nurse sharks in waist deep water.
Duration: 6 hours
Day 10 - Monday, February 15, 2016: (B)
Free day. On your own. We will have a few optional activities.
Day 11 - Tuesday, February 16, 2016: (B)
Check out of Caye Caulker hotel. Take water taxi to Belize City Water Terminal and then transfer to Belize International Airport. Depart in early evening and arrive back in Los Angeles around 11pm (stopover in Dallas/Houston).
The deposit for this international trip is $500 which goes toward the land package fee. Full payment is due by November 6, 2015.
Cancellation charges reflect the many expenses Friendly Adventures cannot recover if you cancel, even if you must do so due to illness, injury, or personal emergencies. These fees are not meant to be punitive in any way. The charges made reflect the expenses Friendly Adventures has incurred in administering your reservation and planning for your participation. We recognize that the majority of those who cancel their reservations do so out of necessity. Please note that we do not make any refunds for any unused portion of your trip, not arriving, arriving late, or leaving the trip early.
In the unfortunate event that you must cancel your trip, your land package refund will be determined according to the formula below.
Days prior to departure:
90+ days: Full refund
90 - 61 days: 50% of your land package fee payment
60 days or less: No refund
Friendly Adventures reserves the right to cancel or alter a trip due to unforeseen weather, unsafe conditions, low registrations or other circumstances. On the rare occasion when Friendly Adventures must cancel a trip, all payments received to date will be refunded, including the non-refundable portion of your deposit. Friendly Adventures is not responsible for expenses incurred in preparation for any canceled trips, including airplane tickets.
WE STRONGLY RECOMMEND TRIP CANCELLATION/TRIP INTERRUPTION INSURANCE, WHICH COVERS YOUR COST IF YOU NEED TO CANCEL OR INTERRUPT YOUR TRIP for medical reasons, trip delay, lost baggage, and other unforeseen emergencies. Friendly Adventures will send you information about travel insurance with your registration information, or you may purchase coverage through your own insurance company. In order to avoid disappointment and expense in the event that you must cancel your trip we strongly urge you to purchase some type of insurance coverage.
Make Reservation
Land package: $1,520
Round-trip airfare: $475
Departing from Los Angeles, CA
Trip Includes
Double occupancy accommodations; ground transfers and water taxi; all breakfasts, four lunches, two group dinners, two happy hours; four tours including Jaguar Paw Cave Tubing, Actun Tunichil Muknal (ATM) Cave, Tikal National Park and snorkeling to Hol Chan Marine/Shark Ray Alley/Coral Garden/South Channel; Guatemala border crossing fee.
Note: Belize has a departure tax of $39.25 and is not included in the airfare or land package. You will need to pay this when departing from Belize International Airport.
Have a Question?
Send an e-mail to the organizers.
John Corcoran Main Coordinator
Ron Domash Assistant Coordinator
Trent Nguyen Reservationist